Friday, March 7, 2008

Bunny Chow

An authentic Durban chow this. Named bunny chow from Indians called Banias in Grey Street that first started making bunny chows in apartheid times. I won't go into that though, but this is a really lekker chow ... ek se, ma cuzzie!

1 Loaf of White Bread
400g Lamb Knuckles (use another meat if you don't like lamb)
4/5 Courgettes
4/5 Patty Pans
Heaped teaspoon of Curry Powder
1 Large Onion
4 Medium Tomatoes
2 Garlic Cloves chopped
3 Large Potatoes peeled and quartered
Tomato Sauce
Sachet of Brown Onion Soup Powder
Vegetable Stock Cube
Garlic Salt

Add a little oil to a large pot and brown the meat on a high heat. Remove the meat and add the onions with the curry powder, garlic salt and chopped garlic. Once the onions are soft, add the meat back to the pot with a little water. Mix it up.
Throw in all the veg (potatoes, courgettes, patty pans, tomatoes) and mix it all in with a few tablespoons of chutney, a couple of tablespoons of tomato sauce, a cup of boiling water with the veg stock mixed in.
Give it all a good stir and turn the heat down. Put a lid on and allow the curry to slow cook for about 1.5 - 2 hrs. Add the soup powder mixed into a cup of boiling water and leave for a further 10 minutes.

Cut both quarter ends of the bread off and scoop out the inside and place on the side of the plate. Ladle in as much curry as you like into the hollow and drizzle some sauce over the removed bread.

Serve with a spoon and get messy with your fingers.

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